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Are they trying to control the climate, or you?
That question and many more are explored by the new groundbreaking film, “Climate Hustle 2: Rise of the Climate Monarchy”, premiering in theaters for a special one night showing on April 21!
Showing in over 700 theaters around the nation, Climate Hustle 2 features actor Kevin Sorbo and exposes the corruption, hypocrisy, and pseudoscience of climate campaigners.
Make sure you turn out on April 21 to show the world that the United States won’t embrace socialism through a Green New Deal in the name of climate change.
For tickets and theater information, visit!
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Don’t miss Climate Hustle 2 in theaters for one night only April 21! Featuring Kevin Sorbo, CH2 exposes the corruption and hypocrisy of the radical climate movement.
For tickets and theater locations, visit!
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Are they trying to control the climate, or you?
Climate Hustle 2, a new film in theaters for one night only April 21, exposes the radical climate change agenda of Hollywood, the UN, & leftist politicians. Don’t miss it!
For tix, visit!
Make sure you go see the new movie Climate Hustle 2 on April 21! Showing in over 700 theaters for a special one night only showing, CH2 features Kevin Sorbo and exposes the radical agenda of climate activists. For tickets visit!
#ClimateHustle2 #KevinSorbo #ClimateHustle #FathomEvents
Are sensational climate predictions coming true? Do the facts line up with the hype?
The answer is no. An increasing number of scientists are becoming skeptical.
Learn why on April 21 in theaters, and visit for this 1 night only event! #ClimateHustle2
— Climate Hustle 2 (@climate_hustle) February 22, 2020